13 Challenge

13.1 Recreating the Economist Graph

econ <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/altaf-ali/ggplot_tutorial/master/data/economist.csv")

##   X     Country HDI.Rank   HDI CPI            Region
## 1 1 Afghanistan      172 0.398 1.5      Asia Pacific
## 2 2     Albania       70 0.739 3.1 East EU Cemt Asia
## 3 3     Algeria       96 0.698 2.9              MENA
## 4 4      Angola      148 0.486 2.0               SSA
## 5 5   Argentina       45 0.797 3.0          Americas
## 6 6     Armenia       86 0.716 2.6 East EU Cemt Asia
  1. Create a scatter plot of the economist data with CPI on the x-axis and HDI on the y-axis

  2. Color the points based on Region using hollow points

  3. Add a trend line

  4. The trend line is too thick compared to the circles so we need to adjust it appropriately

  5. Add text labels to the points

    HINT: Create a subset of countries to label since we don’t want to label every point

    target_countries <- c(
      "Russia", "Venezuela", "Iraq", "Myanmar", "Sudan",
      "Afghanistan", "Congo", "Greece", "Argentina", "Brazil",
      "India", "Italy", "China", "South Africa", "Spane",
      "Botswana", "Cape Verde", "Bhutan", "Rwanda", "France",
      "United States", "Germany", "Britain", "Barbados", "Norway", "Japan",
      "New Zealand", "Singapore"
    labeled_countries <- subset(econ, Country %in% target_countries)

  6. Adjust the x and y scales and use Color Brewer pallete Paired.

  7. Remove vertical grid lines and move the legend

  8. Add title “Corruption and Human development”