6 Exercises

Download the traffic fatality dataset used in Stock and Watson examples. It covers data from 48 states observed over seven years (from 1982 to 1988), for a total of 336 observations.

Variable Description
mrall Vehicle Fatality Rate (VFR)
beertax Tax on Case of Beer
mlda Minimum Legal Drinking Age
jaild Mandatory Jail Sentence
vmiles Average Mile per Driver
unrate Unemployment Rate
perinc Per Capita Personal Income
  1. Estimate a model for Vehicle Fatality Rate using your choice of variables listed above.
    • Estimate a fixed effect model and test for state and time fixed effects.
    • Run the necessary tests to check whether state and time fixed effects are present.
  2. Estimate a twoway model and compare to the previous state and time fixed effect models.
  3. Test for serial correlation and cross sectional dependence in the twoway model.
  4. If either serial correlation or cross sectional dependence is present, use the methods you’ve learned to obtain heteroskedastic and autocorrelation consistent standard errors.
  5. Compare the HAC and spatially robust standard errors with the twoway model estimated earlier.
  6. Display the results in publication-ready tables and discuss the substantively significant findings.